1. Choose which membership type is applicable to you.
*PAFLL will accept five (5) faculty from institutional members. Kindly fill out the form individually. Please tick the ‘institutional’ option and upload the same proof of payment.
*Members’ benefits include free access to resources and discounted conferences, webinars, workshop registration fees, and discounted rates/prices of select publications from publishing houses contacted by PAFLL.
*PAFLL is open to accepting government agencies and private companies/organizations as institutional members.
2. Pay at any Metrobank branch or via online banking.
Account Name: Philippine Association for Forensic and Legal Linguistics (PAFLL), Inc.
Bank Name: Metrobank – The Capital Towers Branch
Account Number: 259-7-259524942
3. Fill out the membership form: https://forms.gle/qLBntM2RtJwnGLmF9.
4. Wait for the certificate of membership to be sent to you within a few minutes. Please check your spam folder. If you do not receive any, please send us an email at [email protected].
5. Membership renewal is every October of each year.
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